Your enemies will describe you in many unkind words and scorn your ability. What could be more painful for you?
Author Name:-Sri Ramanuja
Sri Ramanuja
2.36 Moreover, your enemies, the sons of Dhrtarastra, will make many remarks unutterably slanderous and disparaging to heroes, saying, ‘How can this Partha stand in the presence of us, who are heroes, even for a moment? His prowess is elsewhere than in our presence.’ Can there be anything more painful to you than this? You yourself will understand that death is preferable to subjection to disparagement of this kind. Sri Krsna now says that for a hero, enemies being slain by oneself and oneself being slain by enemies are both conducive to supreme bliss.
Author Name:-Sri Adi Shankaracharya
Sri Adi Shankaracharya
2.36 Ca, and besieds; tava, your; ahitah, enemies; vadisyanti, will speak; bahun, many, various kinds of; avacya-vadan, indecent words, unutterable words; nindantah, while denigrating, scorning; tava, your; samarthyam, might earned from battles against Nivatakavaca and others. Therefore, kim nu, what can be; duhkhataram, more painful; tatah, than that, than the sorrow arising from being scorned? That is to say, there is no greater pain than it.