O Dhananjaya, all this work cannot bind Me. I am ever detached from all these material activities, seated as though neutral.
Author Name:-Sri Ramanuja
Sri Ramanuja
9.9 But actions like unequal creation do not bind Me. There can be no imputation of cruelty etc., to Me, because the previous actions (Karmas) of individual selves are the causes for the inequality of conditions like that of gods etc. I am untouched by the inequality. I sit, as it were, apart from it as one unconcerned. Accordingly, the author of the Vedanta-sutras says: ‘Not inequality and cruelty, on account of (creation) being dependent, for so scripture declares’ (Br. Su., 2.1.34), and ‘If it be said that there is no Karma on account of non-distinction, it is replied that it is not proper to say so, because it is beginningless …’ (Ibid., 2.1.35). [The idea is this: Creation has no first beginning. It is an eternal cyclic process of creation and dissolution of the universe. So the differentiation of Karma, Jiva and Isvara even before creation has to be accepted. Only in the creative cycle the differentiation becomes patent, and in the dissolved condition it remains latent.]
Author Name:-Sri Adi Shankaracharya
Sri Adi Shankaracharya
9.9 O Dhananjaya, na ca, nor do; tani, those; karmani, actions-which are the sources of the creation of the multitude of beings unequally; nibadhnanti, bind; mam, Me, who am God. As to that, the Lord states the reason for His not becoming associated with the actions: Asinam, remaining (as I do); udasinavat, like one unconcerned, like some indifferent spectator- for the Self is not subject to any change; and asaktam, unattached; tesu karmasu, to those actions-free from attachment to results, free from the egoism that ‘I do.’ Hence, even int he case of any other person also, the absence of the idea of agentship and the absence of attachment to results are the causes of not getting bound. Otherwise, like the silkworm, a foolish man becomes bound by acitons. This is the idea. There (in th previous two verses) it involves a contradiction to say, ‘Remaining like one unconcerned, I project forth this multitude of beings.’ In order to dispel this doubt the Lord says:
Author Name:-Sri Madhvacharya
Sri Madhavacharya
Indifferent and neutral is what Lord Krishna is indicating by the word asaktam meaning unattached. The Vedic scriptures declare the Supreme Lord is neither known by speech nor engaged in actions. The Bhagavat Purana states: The elements, the performance of actions, time as well as the variegated attributes of all beings are due to His grace for without His grace nothing would exist. The Supreme Lord causes the creation and dissolution of unlimited universes again and again continuously in regulated cyclic succession without any effort. Understanding this how can He ever be attached to His actions. This is the purport. He never increases by creation or diminishes by dissolution while enacting His pastimes of performing any action. Naturally the Supreme Lord who controls all actions can never be bound any action.