Home Vedic Pedia Hindu Festival Jyeshtha Month

Jyeshtha Month

Jyeshtha marks the third month of the Hindu lunar calendar. The beautiful month greets with pious festivals- Narada Jayanti, Apara Ekadashi, Vat Savitri Vrat, Shani Jayanti, Ganga Dussehra, Nirjala Ekadashi, Vat Purnima Vrat, Mahesh Navami, and Gayatri Jayanti. 

Narada Jayanti:

About supreme Lord Narada

Lord Devarishi Narada is one of the supreme deities of Hindu cosmology. In Narada, Naara implies knowledge important for humans, and Da refers to the giver. This, Lord Narada, is a bestower of necessary knowledge. He is one of the twenty-one significant incarnations...View More

Apara Ekadashi:

Apart Ekadashi: A grand festivity devoted to Lord Vishnu

Apara Ekadashi is a grand festival dedicated to the commanding Lord Vishnu. He is an infinite godhead like an ocean or sky. The mighty deity's enormous powers exceed the dimensions of time and other factors. He is a supreme deity of t...View More

Vat Savitri Vrat:

Vat Savitri Vrat is an auspicious day dedicated to married women. The festival is dedicated to Goddess Savitri, who protected her husband Satyawan from the clutches of death. Goddess Savitri was a brilliant and beautiful woman. Adoring and worshipping her fulfils life with happiness and bring...View More

Shani Jayanti:

About Lord Shani

Lord Shani is a highly revered and spiritual personification of planet Saturn. Shani is an important Graha or planet among the navagrahas. Shani is the most frightening and dreadful planet among all the navagrahas. Worshipping him thwarts evils and bad times from life, resto...View More

Ganga Dussehra:

About Goddess Ganga

Goddess Ganga is a widely revered and admired river goddess in Hindu cosmology. The commanding goddess Ganga is the daughter of King Himavat, a personified form of the great mountain Himalaya. She is the sister of supreme divinity, Parvati. In Hindu cosmology, the goddess...View More

Nirjala Ekadashi:

Nirjala Ekadashi: A divine day dedicated to mighty Lord Vishnu

Nirjala Ekadashi is observed to revere the glorious powers of supreme lord Vishnu. Lord Vishnu is celebrated as the guardian and protector of the universe. He fights with evils and catastrophes, bringing peace and bliss in life. ...View More

Vat Purnima Vrat:

A festival dedicated to Goddess Savitri and her true love

Vat Purnima Vrat is committed to the supreme divinity Savitri. Goddess Savitri is the daughter of the sun or solar deity Savitr. She is highly proficient, knowledgeable and a beautiful divinity. Her devotion and affection towards her...View More

Mahesh Navami:

About supreme Lord Mahesh

Lord Mahesh is one of the supreme manifestations of Lord Shiva. It is a widely celebrated name of Shiva and is especially cherished by the Maheshwari community. Lord Mahesh is easy to please; he integrates life with immense tranquillity. He removes all the pains and...View More

Gayatri Jayanti:

About supreme goddess Gayatri

Goddess Gayatri is one of the powerful divinities of Hindu cosmology. She is also revered as Veda Mata, and it is believed that Vedas originated from the goddess Gayatri only. She is an integral part of all the Vedas; all the Vedas are her essence only. Gayatri ...View More